Специальный выпуск "Спутниковая связь и вещание"-2016

S pecialist about branch .....................................10 T rends A nalysis LEO-HTS systems and feasibility of phased array antennas for the subscriber terminals............14 Valentin Anpilogov, Alexandr Shishlov, Alexandr Eydus F oundations of growth ......................................27 Dmitry Sevastiyanov L aying the Groundwork for HTS .........................28 Doreet Oren C ost-effective projects and proposals prioritized by Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications ..................................30 Timofey Abramov A re multisatellite systems LEO-HTS: “disruptive innovation" in the field of satellite communications or bubble? .................32 Valentin Anpilogov, Muhammad Furqan, Victor Doniants, Alexandr Eydus, Andrei Shestakov, Kalju Kukk A nalytical review of opinions “The immediate future of satellite communication" ....37 Muhammad Furqan R ussian segment of Inmarsat satellite system .........40 Andrey Kuropyatnikov A ttenuation on the satellite lines of the Ka-, Q- and V-bands ................................42 Arkady Abolits, Andrey Gritsenko, Roman Yurev S atellite direct TV broadcasting in the United States, Europe and Russia ...............44 Alexander Krylov E quipment J UPITER System for 3G/LTE networks ..............50 Vera Tipugina F ull-motion antenna systems of RadiComm Technologies Ltd. .........................52 Vladimir Bobkov, Nikolay Zvantsugov N ew universal antennas for Ku- and Ka-band .........55 Valeriy Kulgin T he new mobile satellite earth station in Ku-band...56 Q uick Deploy Flyaway VSAT Station SNARK-100 ..57 Mikhail Shestakov T he tasks and directions of development VSAT-TEL ................................58 Alexandr Eydus S ervices C hoosing a reliable insurer – the key to success.....60 Alexandr Podchufarov B usiness Models and Value Chains as Applied to the Contemporary Satellite Applications ....................62 Dmitry Payson T V Broadcast via modern russian satellites............67 Alexandr Rudakov N ew technological trends of the Earth remote sensing................................68 Kalju Kukk C ollective satellite access: a simple solution..........71 Dmitry Gordienko W orkshop F eatures of construction and operation of the orbital constellation of satellite communications systems.....................72 Aleksandre Stpanov, Aleksandre Akimov, Andrey Gritsenko, Vadim Chazov, I nformation S ummary list of special edition participants ..........88 N ew products and services .................................89 P rojects and solutions .......................................96 C ompany information ......................................100 2016 Satellite Communications and Broadcasting С ontents PARTNER The Russian Satellite Communication Company (RSCC) SILVER PARTNER Ingosstrakh Insurance Company