Специальный выпуск. Каталог «Спутниковая связь и вещание 2018»
S pecialists about branch ........................................12 20 -th anniversary exhibition-forum CSTB. TELECOM & MEDIA opens online registration for business program visits .....................................15 T rends T o be at the head of technological development .........16 Timofey Abramov I nmarsat stands for digital transformation .................18 Nadezhda Nesterenko T he analysis of existing non-geostationary satellite systems in the market of M2M/IoT and assessment of the commercial prospects of the planned multisatellite systems ........................20 Alexandr Eydus D o the Internet of Thinks need satellite technology?...28 Sergey Starik, Andrei Skorodumov, Kalju Kukk, Mikhail Chufarov, Valery Shubin, Muhammad Furqan “G ilat” a 30 years old............................................33 Mikhail Pykhov A new look at the reservation of satellite networks .....34 Oleg Timoshenko D atum takes the best from DVB-S2X .......................36 O n the prospects of the commercial development of the company: revenues are on the Earth ................38 Pavel Tyrin, Vladimir Uvarov, Vladimir Kutasiewicz O ne Belt One Road One Space 2.0...........................40 Muhammad Furqan Results of modeling of multisatellite communication systems on low and highly elliptical orbits and estimation of interference situation in the joint use of radio frequency bands...................42 Valentin Anpilogov, Andrey Gritsenko E quipment A dditional applications and features of the JUPITER system.........................................48 Vera Tipugina N ot boring “CKuKa” ............................................50 Valeriy Kulgin M onopulse method of auto-tracking KA....................51 Dmitry Travkin R adioComm Technologies – reliable manufacturer of satellite communications equipment......................52 Vladimir Bobkov, Nikolay Zvantsugov T he market of satellite antennas and flat scanning antenna arrays for subscriber terminals of satellite systems FSS X-/Ku-/Ka-/Q-bands ........................56 M anpack & FlyAway Satellite Terminal production ....57 Mikhail Shestakov R adio systems with scanning antennas: breakthrough technologies......................................58 S ervices 70 years of successful insurance..............................62 Alexander Shevchenko M IPT Satellite Communication Center .....................64 Sergey Garichev, Victor Klassen, Yury Chekushkin, Igor Zimin N ew satellite communications services in Russia including the Arctic region........................66 Boris Lokshin, Yury Orlov S VNO in satellite networks ....................................71 Igor Travnikov S ignal and interference levels in the joint operation of LPWAN networks and low-orbital satellite system M2M / IoT ...................................72 Valentin Anpilogov R eview of broadband access systems in Ku- and Ka-bands, based on the HTS satellites, and advanced projects analysis................................80 Yuri Chekuschkin, Igor Zimin, Andrey Yakovets W orkshop R eal money for real markets: on issues of the space market evaluating ................................84 Dmitry Payson A ustralia – decisions, delays, drama and destiny........87 Muhammad Furqan I nformation N ew products and services......................................88 P rojects and solutions............................................94 S ummary list of special edition participants ..............98 C ompany information ............................................99 2018 Satellite Communications and Broadcasting С ontents PARTNER The Russian Satellite Communication Company (RSCC)
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